Since 1999, the Conférence sur l'Apprentissage Automatique (CAP) is the yearly meeting of the French scientific community dedicated to machine learning. In 2013, CAP is held as part of the larger AI dedicated event named as the “plate-forme IA”, in Lille, France, from 3rd to 5th July 2013. This AI platform gathers a set of conferences dealing with AI.
For 25 years or so, machine learning has considerably grown up and matured, from fundamentals to applciations. This domain is currently at the crossroads of computer science, statistics, applied mathematics, and this pluridisciplinarity played a decisive role in its recent development.
In this context, CAP'2013 wishes to be a place of conviviality and exchanges between actors of machine learning. CAP'2013 is also open to anyone wishing to know more about this domain. PhD students are warmly welcome: CAP is first a place to get a constructive though rigourous feedback on one's researches, but also a place to get a large view on the current research tracks, and get in touch with people.
Call for communication
The program comittee invites the submission of work related to machine learning, either theoretical or more applied.
We do not wish any exclusivity regarding submitted work: we look forward that papers submitted to major international conferences would also be submitted to CAP. If the paper gets accepted in such a conference, the paper will not be included into the proceedings of CAP to avoid any copyright issue. Submissions may be written either in French, or in English.
Accepted papers will be made available on the Internet (through hal) only if their authors agree on that.
Tutorial and Invited Talk
Radu Horaud will give a tutorial on manifold learning